Call for Papers: Devotion to the Prophet’s Family in Islamic Thought and Practice

IIS is inviting papers exploring devotion to the Prophet Muhammad and his family in literature. The deadline for submission is 15 December for a conference in 2025.

Dr Jiwa discusses the Fatimids on The Orientalism History Podcast

Dr Shainool Jiwa was featured on The Orientalism History Podcast, where she discusses the Fatimid caliphate, its origins and expansion, and their unique approach to governance.

Interior view of the Blue Mosque of Cairo, with an angle view of minaret.

About us

The Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) was established in 1977 as an academic institution of higher education. It is dedicated to the study of Islam, with a particular focus on the history, philosophy, law, and mysticism of Ismaili and broader Shi‘i intellectual and cultural heritages within the larger Muslim ummah.

Discover our research

Research at the IIS seeks to contribute to the field of Islamic studies in general, with a particular focus on Shi ‘i and Ismaili studies.

Explore our publications

The IIS publishes works by its own scholars as well as from the academic community outside the Institute.

Call for papers

Nizārī Ismailis and Spiritual Resurrection

We are calling for papers to address the historical and political circumstances of the declaration of resurrection as an event, messianism, eschatology and esoteric (bāṭinī) approaches to faith. 

View of Alamut rock

Dr Alí-de-Unzaga discusses the Islamic Gardens at King’s Cross on BBC’s Beyond Belief

Dr Omar Alí-de-Unzaga joins host Giles Fraser, The Revd Lucy Winkett, and Ai Hishii to discuss the religious significance of gardens on BBC’s Beyond Belief.