Educated in India and England, Dipli Saikia holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Bristol, where she was a J.N. Tata Fellow and where she later taught.
She is now based in the Department of Curriculum Studies, where she is involved in the overall development of the curriculum. Her responsibilities include research and editing, dealing with queries from external stakeholders, preparing materials for the digital platform, reviewing translations and working closely with translators, undertaking reverse-translation exercises where necessary (as a quality assurance check), helping in the development of a file management system proposal, and in the recruitment of colleagues.
Dipli read Pali in London and Oxford, has translated from two Indian languages for the BBC’s Atlas India programme, and project-directed an anthology for the South Asian arts archive SALIDAA, where her position was funded by an Arts Council grant and where she was later appointed a trustee.
Dipli has written for:
Embracing the Other: Addressing Xenophobia in the New Literatures in English,
South Asian Literature in English: An Encyclopedia, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and: Antiquity, Times Higher Education supplement, History Today, Kyoto Journal, and the Indian Architect and Builder, among others.